
Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Happy Mood Swing

I want to clap and tap.

And make up some funny rap.

I want to lose it all for once,

To throw my fist and make a mid-air punch!

I feel like dancing till I drop.

I feel like buying till I can shop.

I feel like rising to the top.

I feel like feeling the thrill in the drop.

I feel like going crazy just now.

I feel like telling you how..

You turn me on with those eyes..

I hate those things that you too despise.

I feel like showing you the true you,

I feel like going crazy over you..

I feel doing something fresh and new.

I feel like gifting you the morning dew.

I feel like making all your dreams come true.

I feel like showing my secret world to you.

Thinking what you’ll say..

You’ll be happy or you’ll ridicule?

Or you’ll think that I am a fool?

You know what: I don’t really care.

Coz that’s the me-pure-air..

Which you will really have to see,

Coz that’s what I breathe around me.

I am a girl with several dreams,

I am not afraid of the screams,

I feel like shouting out aloud..

To show you that I am not scared of the sound.

To be able to stand out in the crowd.

To really truly make you feel proud.

There are times when you feel,

Like spilling all the paint..

Colouring everything wild,

And shading each taint..

Just to see how it looks,

And then going faint.

But enjoying nonetheless,

Who’s asking you to be a saint?

I realised happy isn’t so hard to be

You just need to open up and see

The small little things that make up life

That makes it more like a game than strife.

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